Auric cutter, design optimised by captain ALBAS. Overall lengtht 87cm /34,2 inches, widht 19/7,4 . Hull lenght 76/29,9. Weight 2,4Kg/4.4 pounds. Auric rigging: jib, staysail, auric main sail polyester sewed. Equipment deck: plates, fairlead, wire brass made. Brass tube spreaders. Long keel, fixed rudder, dug hull decked varnished. Front hatch and roof made with mahogany. Shrouds and sheets polyester. Sheet adjustable by wood strecher. Varnished wood table stand. Design inspired by Reliance, Shamrock.... and adaptated to pond yacht by Captain ALBAS. Aditional equipment: Brass equipment deck: 2 pulley flat deck, 3 winches, inox shrouders, brass turnbuckles. Brass tubes spreaders. Three suplementary polyamid sails: clin jib, sailing fleche; haul downable when heavy wind. Genacker and tangon. Owner flag as wind indicator, choice colour: red, pink, blue, yelow. Name of the boat engraved on hull an table stand. All point of sailing.
ALBAS 87 Custom
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